How it started
Launched in 2019, Revive Summit is an event that gathers a community of people together with a single goal in mind. To live-life-together. This vast world is full of heartbroken people and Revive Summit aims to be a beacon of hope within that. Our Motto “Don’t Do Life Alone. Let’s Do Life Together.” is the single purpose that drive us forward.
Being vulnerable and seeking a place to call home is not easy. However, it is in this vulerability that great things are achieved. By bringing your walls down, you can become incredibly effective. A wise man once said, your pain can either become your prison, or your platform. This platform was created from that pain and I hope to see many of you free to create a platform instead of living in a prison. Follow your dreams, experience life to the greatest, and most of all, never give up.
Revive Summit was started by Drazen Alcocer. It was started as a way to reach out into the world-at-large and begin helping others to connect with each other and to NOT feel isolated and alone. This idea was a journey that had to be undertaken through a trial by fire. An idea that was birthed from the very knowledge that every person is fighting their own battle, no matter how big their smile, how tough their act or how strong their resolve.
No matter what you may be going through today, there is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s help each other reach it and not do life alone.

Drazen M. Alcocer, founder of Revive Summit
(selfie game is strong…not!)
“When you are tired
Learn to rest, not to quit”
5 Reasons To Come Join Us
Life is meant to be experienced together.
We were born to experience in community and not in isolation. We are currently living in the most “connected” time anyone has ever seen but now more than ever people feel alone and isolated. All we need in this life is just one or two quality friends that can be counted on. Won’t you come and join us to find a friend and be a friend?
We can help each other unlock our gifts
Each one of us carries inside of us an undeniable gift. One that this world would be much better with. It is said that the single greatest gift you can give to this world, is to be exactly who you were created to be. As such, having people around that would support this discovery (while simultaneously discovering theirs) is the one of the greatest missions we can undertake. We want to see each person come fully alive, and sometimes for that to happen you need to first be revived.
Don’t deal with your emotions alone
There are very few things in this life that make it seem like you are drowning not being anywhere near a body of water. One of those things is feeling overwhelmed with your own emotions and not knowing what to do about it. Sometimes we all need just that one person that can act as sort of a lifesaver simply by letting you know that everything will be okay. WE can do that for each other. As we’ve said before, LIFE was not meant to be done alone so don’t drown alone. We can all help.
Let’s find the joy in each and every day
Isn’t it amazing how all we need at times is just the right word, the right perspective or the right act of kindness to see how beautiful it is to be alive? to see how blessed we truly are to be alive this day and every day. Together we can help each other remember how much joy there is to be found in each day and what a gift it is to be alive despite any obstacles we may face. Together we can help to find the joy that being together and a part of a community brings to us all.
A place where everyone is accepted
There is almost nothing worse that to feel like you don’t fit in. “Does anyone understand me?” “Does anyone care?” “Does anyone LOVE me?” We do! We have been there too. It is through our own life experience that we can truly say that YOU, yes YOU, are welcome here. We can all help each other be better, do better and stay better through the act of friendship. You are welcome here, so invite everyone you know to come and join us.